Order Defect Rate(ODR)
你的 A-to-z 商城保证索赔,由消费者在对订单不满意或交货太慢时提出
这三个因素共同决定了你的整体订单缺陷率。亚马逊会考虑你的亚马逊商城交易保障索赔、负面反馈和信用卡退款,然后将其除以给定 60 天内的订单总数。
例如,一位亚马逊卖家说Sam 在 2 个月(60 天)内总共收到了 1000 个订单。Sam 未能成功交付 2 个订单,5 位客户要求退款,3 位客户对 Sam 的产品发表了差评。
现在对于 Sam 来说,总缺陷订单是 2+5+3.等于 10.现在计算 ODR 10 除以 1000.得出的比率为 1%。
突破 1% 的之后你的账户就有些危险了,提高 ODR 的策略之前,有必要了解是什么让这个单一指标如此重要。
二、亚马逊ODR 表现差申诉模板
Dear Seller Performance Team,
I understand that recently our performance as a seller on Amazon.com has fallen
below both Amazon's and our own standards of quality.
I believe there are two main reasons this has happened:
Disorganization in our inventory management has resulted in late shipments and,
even worse,unavailable itEMS.
When late shipments and unavailable items have occurred our response to has
been tooslow and communication with customers has not been adequate.
I believe it is mainly because of the inadequate communication that we have
recently seen an increase in customer A-z guarantee claims which has resulted in
our order defect rate exceeding the performance target of <1%.
Plan of Action:
We are taking the following steps to improve our performance
Improve inventory control by reducing the number of items offered until we have
systems in place to more adequately handle the number of orders we are receiving.
Most importantly,we will respond more quickly and proactively to any problems
with customer orders to keep our customers more informed and help prevent A-z
guarantee claims.
In addition,we will more aggressively monitor our performance metrics to assure
we are meeting the standards set by Amazon and our own standards of quality
customer service.
In evaluating our selling practices, we found a mistake in our inventory upload file.
Our Plan of Action:
Our inventory file has been reviewed.All misclassified condition items have been
re-categorized to follow Amazon's Condition Guidelines.The entire inventory has
been deleted from the Marketplace to reflect all changes.
All of our vendors' inventory will be reviewed before adding to our inventory.
Please let us know what should be done to reinstate our account,we are looking
forward to hearing from you.
Improve inventory control by reducing the number of items offered until we have
systems in place to more adequately handle the number of orders we are receiving.
Most importantly,we will respond more quickly and proactively to any problems
with customer orders to keep our customers more informed and help prevent A-z
guarantee claims.
In addition,we will more aggressively monitor our performance metrics to assure
we are meeting the standards set by Amazon and our own standards of quality
customer service.
In evaluating our selling practices, we found a mistake in our inventory upload file.
Our Plan of Action:
Our inventory file has been reviewed.All misclassified condition items have been
re-categorized to follow Amazon's Condition Guidelines.The entire inventory has
been deleted from the Marketplace to reflect all changes.
All of our vendors' inventory will be reviewed before adding to our inventory.
Please let us know what should be done to reinstate our account,we are looking
forward to hearing from you.
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